Equipment Overview
Oil refining equipment for pyrolyzing tires can turn waste tyres into fuel oil, carbon black and steel wire. Oil refining equipment for pyrolyzing tires makes it a reality that waste tire resources renewable.
Working process
1. Feed the waste tyres into the reactor of waste tIre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant through a fully automatic feeder. The reactor should leave 1/3 of the space for smoother rotation. Then make sure the feeder door is closed.
2. The reactor is lightly heated by burning fuel (coal, wood, gas, or the last batch of produced tire oil). When the temperature reaches 100°C (250-280°C is the highest output rate interval), oil and gas will be released. The separated heavy oil gas from the manifold should be liquefied and dropped into a heavy tank. Lighter gas will rise to the oil condenser, liquefy into oil and store it in the tank. The non-condensable gas after dedusted by distillation and steam removal will be introduced into the recovery furnace.
3. After all fuel is generated, the reactor should be cooled. When the temperature drops 40 degrees, carbon black will be automatically discharged. If the raw material is the entire tyre, remove the wire from the reactor with a hook of at least than 50 degrees Celsius.
4. There may be a little exhaust gas, please discharge it after reaching the discharge standard.
5. Before starting the next batch, make sure all the work is done.
Final product are as follows:
1. Pyrolysis oil: Used in steel plants, boiler heating, heavy oil generators, cement plants,etc.

2. Carbon black: Used for pressure ball combustion, or refined milling, which can be used as a new tire, rubber soles, pigment manufacturing materials.

3. Steel wire: It is mainly used for recycling or remelting.
At present, our Oil refining equipment for pyrolyzing tirest has been installed all over the world.