To solve the used tires disposal problem, we have designed the used tire pyrolysis plant which adopts the latest pyrolysis technology. The used tire recycling equipment adopts the new green pyrolysis technology. Through the use of the used tire recycling equipment, used tire can be effectively converted to fuel oil, carbon black and steel wire. The oil from used tire recycling equipment can be widely used as fuel oil in industries such as steel and iron and boiler factories, ceramics, power or chemical industries etc. And it can be used for generators to get electricity. Carbon black can be used for making construction bricks with clay, and also can be used as fuel. Steel wire can be recycled into smelting plant.
The tire oil can be widely used as fuel oil in industries such as steel and iron and boiler factories, ceramics, power or chemical industries etc. or used for generators to get electricity. Carbon black can be used for making construction bricks with clay, or used as fuel. Steel wire can be sold directly or recycled to produce new steel products. There is also a little combustible gas produced in the pyrolysis process. The gas can be recycled to heat the reactor as fuel, which will save energy for the whole working process.
Fuel oil application
1. Fuel oil: oil from this plant can be used as industrial fuel for burning
2. Crude carbon black: crude carbon black from this used tire recycling equipment is crude oil, and it can be sold to the brick factory as internal combustion or to the factory needing it as raw materials, such as tire, shoe, cable and sealant companies.
3. Steel wire: it can be sold to the iron and steel company directly.